The Driver & Vehicle Services Agency (DVSA) has confirmed a change to the way roadside payments are collected.
From Tuesday, January 29, the way roadside payments are collected .Instead paying by Chip & PIN, fixed penalties will now be paid using a secure payment portal.
How it works?
Once a DVSA enforcement officer issues a fixed penalty the driver will be asked to provide an email address or telephone number for himself / herself or a nominated payee.
An email or text with an unique code and a link to the payment portal will be sent to the driver or the nominated payee.
The payee should then follow the link and use the code to enter payment details to make payment. Onsite enforcement staff will receive a text confirming receipt of payment. They will then release the vehicle once any other outstanding issues have been resolved. The payee will receive an email or text receipt confirming payment.
The new system means payments can be made from anywhere and by anyone nominated by the driver. It will be translated into in several languages and will be available 24/7, so payments can be made at any time. This means the driver will be able to move off quicker.