Here’s How to Spot a Fake Pound Coin as a Business Owner

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When you’re running a business in any field, it’s important to know how to protect every aspect of it. In the trucking industry, for example, you’ll be aware of health and safety for your drivers on the road. But what if your employees are handling and accepting cash whilst out and about? They need adequate...
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Home » UK News » Here’s How to Spot a Fake Pound Coin as a Business Owner

When you’re running a business in any field, it’s important to know how to protect every aspect of it. In the trucking industry, for example, you’ll be aware of health and safety for your drivers on the road. But what if your employees are handling and accepting cash whilst out and about? They need adequate training so that they can detect fraudulent coins and notes with ease and keep your business safe and secure from fraudsters. If you’re looking for a handful of pointers to help you and your employees to spot a fake pound coin, here is some useful information to help you and become more aware of the most common tricks of the trade.

Increasing Awareness

When you’re hyper aware of the traits of a counterfeit coin it becomes much easier to spot one from a mile off. Honing your skills now and enhancing your knowledge will give you an advantage for sure. Take a look here for more information on the first pound coins minted and you can learn more about the complete history of the Great British Pound. By understanding the history of the pound, you may be able to increase your awareness of what it should look and feel like. 

Old Pound Coins

Believe it or not, most counterfeit pound coins are usually in relation to the old style round pound coins rather than the new design. Be aware that the deadline to spend the old pound coins has now passed, so they shouldn’t be in circulation anymore at all. Old pound coins are still prone to forgery and may be used very sneakily to pay for goods and services.

Key Factors To Look Out For

When accepting money, especially coins, it’s important to be aware of how each coin is supposed to look and feel. With this in mind, here are some of the key factors to look out for:

  • The edging of the coin is not defined properly and displays poor craftsmanship
  • The year on the coin does not match up with the edge lettering
  • The spacing and depth of the lettering is not evenly spaced or well defined
  • The coin is suspiciously shiny or is a slightly different colour to other genuine coins
  • The front and back designs are not aligned properly

The New Pound Coin Is Extremely Secure

The government hails the security of the new pound coin simply because of its intricate and practically unforgeable design. The security of the new pound coin can provide a great sense of relief to business owners who regularly handle cash. The design of the coin means that counterfeiters are on the back pedal and it’s proving to be very difficult to replicate. 

Hopefully, the tips provided above will help you and your employees to spot counterfeit one pound coins and be aware of the key signs of a forged coin. By providing this information to your employees, you can have peace of mind that only valid cash is being circulated in and around your business.

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